

For my Logo project, I decided to vectorize a sketch inspired by my passionate moodboard. This work is made up of vector shapes and was designed in Adobe Illustrator. The logo features a man throwing his fist up in the air to show how passionate he is to work, followed by his head being a heart (which symbolizes his love for the job). I thought this logo was executed quite well because it blends passion with professionalism in a simple design. 

The main tools that I used to create this design were the selection tool, direct selection tool, curvature tool and the ellipse tool. I was planning on making the logo sharp and later found out that the rounded corners in the suit looked more fun when I accidentally used the curvature instead of the pen tool. I believe the hardest part of this project was creating the heart, I had to look up a tutorial to create the shape since there aren't any tools allow you to. The heart is made up of two rounded rectangles that later angled towards each other and croped.

Overall, I believe that I succeeded at creating my logo and I can't wait to work with it later this semester. 


  1. Tyler, I really enjoyed how your logo came out especially the simplicity of it. I didn't realize that it had to do with passion for a job, so I found that interesting. However, now I can see that a bit especially since the "person" is in a tux so maybe they're dressed for work. I like the variety of different color logos, my favorite being the original black tux, red heart one! Nice job!


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